September 6, 2007

He did not have an answer for that woman

Bill Clinton was on Oprah yesterday, and she asked him just what I've been dying to know: What's he gonna be called if his wife wins in '08? "There's no precedent," he said — which is true.

The way I see it, here are the possibilities:

1) President Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
2) The president and the First Gentleman.
3) Captain Clinton and her first mate.
4) Miss Hilly and Slick Willy.
5) President Clinton Part Deux: Bizzack in the Whizzle Hizzle.

He joked to Oprah that his Scottish friends think he should be "First Laddy." My first thought? The massive potential for a hed bust. Spellchecker won't catch an omission of the second 'd.'

I mean, that's just kindling.

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