November 9, 2007

Years, year's and years'

It's a tricky one, but I found this error today and felt it was a good time to explain what's up.

When using a phrase such as the above, it's always a plural possessive if you're talking about more than one year's/month's/day's anything. ie. In 10 years' time, more than four months' therapy, less than one day's pay. Plural things are plural, even when they have an s already. That's where it gets confusing, I admit.

I won't even go into the above usage of over instead of more than. I hate over when used like it is up there, but apparently, some people are becoming more accepting of it. But remember, kids: just because some say it's OK doesn't make it right.

November 8, 2007

When TKs happen to good people

Twice on the same part of the same page. Ouch.

Oh, noooooo ...

November 7, 2007

Good thing only one writer is striking

Well, according to this, anyway:

Nice work, VH1.

November 6, 2007

An attempt at AP Style gone wrong

(Or: Things originally discovered by Dan.)

Full article here. Also note this is the "corrected version."

November 5, 2007

Hey, at least it's not mulls

Gawker takes a look at the abundance of "Honey, I Shrunk the ... " headlines in New York Times history (or, since the movie came out in '89).

It's funny, check it out.