March 14, 2008

To the nth degree of 'WTF?'

Apartment building, Soho

Thanks to correspondent D.D.

March 13, 2008

I've found my personal hero

A dude named Jeff Deck is TRAVELING AROUND THE COUNTRY for three months correcting errors on signs. He carries around a Typo Correction kit that includes chalk, white-out and adhesive letters.

His blog is here. It is so deeply entertaining and hilarious. I can't stop reading it.

Details on his trip are here.

Thanks to correspondent B.W., who is getting a Ph.D., though not in grammar.

March 12, 2008

CNN: Hi, you're redic.

OK, so Spitzer just resigned, and is once again failing to edit its stories. This is the first reference to NY's lieutenant governor, David Paterson:
"Paterson, 53, would become the first black governor in the state and the fourth in U.S. history. The former state Senate minority leader, who is legally blind, is the son of Basil Paterson, a longtime Democratic operative in New York City."
Um, WHO IS PATERSON? They don't really tell us. Details, details ...

March 11, 2008

'That's what happens when the mayor shuts down the sex shops. It pops up in your cuisine.'

Love the play on words here, but what's up with the failure to pluralize? If nothing else, it's very authoritative. Sandwich! Noodle! Dumpling! (Of course, salad can be singular or plural.)

Chelsea, Saturday night. Taken from cab during massive windstorm. The quote up top is from "Sex and the City." Did you see that one?

March 10, 2008

When I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

A quick word about part of my vocabulary which I'm just now learning to spell correctly:


For years, I wrote ya'll. But does that make sense? No, it does not. If the apostrophe is supposed to* stand in place of something, in this case it needs to replace the o-u in you.

My apologies to Texas and anyone else I may have offended with this error.

Thank you; that'll be all. Y'all.

*It's supposed to, not suppose to. I've seen this a lot lately. I'm just saying.