September 4, 2007

D.E.A.R. time drama

Dude, remember D.E.A.R. time? Drop Everything And Read?

I have a distinct memory of one D.E.A.R. time, where I was probably reading a Ramona*, The Boxcar Children or The Babysitters Club — when I came upon a quirky word I didn't know.

The sentence was something like, " 'C'mon!' she shouted."

So I go up to ask the teacher what this whole c'mon deal was about, and, because she was a good teacher, she challenged me to "sound it out." I clearly recall pronouncing it SEMEN — which didn't matter, because I didn't know that word either.

"kuh-MAHN," she corrected. "It's short for come on. But good try, Sarah."

I have to wonder if she still tells that story in the faculty break room. Mrs. Harris, have mercy on a girl.

*I would have linked to the author's site, but I just ... can't. It's done in (wait for it) ... Comic Sans.

1 comment:

Alex Headrick said...

But really, is "kuh-MAHN" any less dirty than "semen"?

We didn't have DEAR. We just had DARE. They didn't care if we could read so long as we weren't doing drugs.