February 16, 2009

Thanks for letting me know.

Even if it's cute, I will never buy a notebook that is printed with the word NOTEBOOK. Because duh.

Same goes for address books that are labeled ADDRESS BOOK. Hate that. Also, it's not 1996 — so it's like, hi, welcome to Google Calendar and/or a Blackberry.

We also have a 240-point sign in our apartment lobby that says LOBBY. It's like a YOU ARE HERE sticker, except irrelevant.

That's all for today.


JD (The Engine Room) said...

Maybe the 'LOBBY' sign isn't a description but an instruction...

Roger Owen Green said...

I suppose it's obvious to those already there, but perhaps, if it isn't visually apparent that the room in question is the lobby, I'd prefer the sign. Too often, insiders think "everybody knows" something and it's just not true.