One: I made this at work today. Can anyone tell me what it is/they are?
Two: I would like to meet the parent who decided that "SIZE DOES MATTER!" was a good slogan for a sign tacked up on the side of an elementary school as part of a campaign to decrease class size. Consider your audience, people. Yeesh.
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -The Princess Bride
"You young people learned spelling by the Close Enough method." -Garrison Keillor "Finally, anyone who uses the words ‘irregardless,’ ‘a whole nother’ or ‘all of the sudden’ shall be sent to a work camp." -Stewie Griffin
Well, I know it's a matchbook, but I'm not sure what the 401(k) has to do with it.
I think it's simply a book of 401(k) matches, as in a company contribution to a retirement plan, unless I'm missing something. Fun!
Match(ing) funds? By the way, would you be interested in a link exchange? Mine is: I Like you blog.
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