December 6, 2007

Paws/pause (Or: I'm wrong a lot.)

These two words are not easily confused, apparently, unless you're me.

So, I'm reading an NYT article a bit ago, which quotes a bit of the Christmas carol, "Up On The Housetop." And then I'm thinking, "SPOTTED! AN ERROR IN THE TIMES! BY ME!"

It said, "Up on the housetop / reindeer pause / down comes good ol' Santa Clause."

How could they confuse PAUSE and PAWS? What carrots. So I looked up the lyrics to confirm my catch, only to discover I was dead wrong. I know reindeers can PAUSE, but alas, I guess they don't have PAWS.

So are they hooves?

1 comment:

Alex Headrick said...

Definitely hooves but I'm not sure what the difference is. Maybe paws are softer? Maybe it's related to the number of toes?

Also, those stop-motion Christmas shows creep me out. They always have. Something about how the people/woodland creatures/sasquatches move is unsettling.