November 20, 2007

Things that bug me about the NYT

• The excessive use of prepositional phrases at the beginning of heds:

• Awkward 'Is Dead' construction in obit heds. It's just ... harsh:

• Really egregious errors in pieces about my favorite band after The Beatles that clearly were not fact-checked. I know concert reviews are on super-tight deadlines, but c'mon, people*:

*That was for Alex.

1 comment:

Alex Headrick said...

First, thank you for the link. That will never not be funny to me.

Second, "is dead" is way harsh. I would hate to be a relative reading that. I have to write a lot of obituaries and almost always say something like "passed away."

Third, that must have been an embarrassing correction. How could a so-called rock expert screw up so many basic details? And I'm personally offended by the Rilo Kiley blunder. I know they're from LA and I didn't even attend the concert. Plus, they screwed up Coco Rosie? Way to go 0-for-3, NYT.

I'm also slightly offended that you rate Bright Eyes so highly, but at least you got the Beatles part right.