October 4, 2007

You too can tighten your copy!

Reading a hunka-hunka burnin' verbiage during a 10-hour shift yesterday, I came across some Personal Copy Pet Peeves (PCPP):

• Continued use of "in fact," as it tends to be superfluous and take up precious column inches.
i.e. Linus was whiny. In fact, he was also short.

• Extraneous use of "that."

i.e. She said that she was sick of writers' excessive use of extra words.

• Using "different" after a number, as below. Again, this is implicit in what's already being said.

i.e. The hellhole* Chinatown apartment was home to more than 100 different species of insects.

• Unnecessary "up"-iness, and other preposition overuse.

i.e. Tighten up, loosen up, open up, close down, reading through, and (my personal favorite) off of.

We all have PCCPs. What're yours?

*One word or two? You decide.


m said...

The serial comma. Why do some places insist on it?

Sarah said...

I honestly don't know! I think it's one of those old-fashioned things some are still holding to. We have debates about it at my office. Me, I'm staunchly anti-serial comma!

Alex Headrick said...

I hate the double space after sentences. I especially hate copy with an arbitrary number of spaces between each sentence (anywhere from one to four), which I unfortunately encounter daily.

I only like serial commas when one of the items in the list has an "and" in it already.

I despise excessive quotation marks to set off supposedly clever or obscure words.

And I prefer hell hole (or heck hole for family publications).